

Working and Worshiping Together…

Spencer UMC is right above Brownsville Road at the heart of Carrick, at the corner of Churchview and Spencer Avenues. It bridges a gap, serving both the city of Pittsburgh and nearby Baldwin and Brentwood. It is a church that is flexible but filled with many traditions. It is home to English-as-a-second-language classes and a Narcotics Anonymous group, and hosts the south Pittsburgh pilot of a program called ACTES, designed to reduce and prevent violence in our communities.

Worship at Spencer is a blend of traditional and contemporary music, and both a choir and a praise band help lead Sunday worship.

We hope you’ll join us Sunday mornings at 11:00, either in person or live online on our Facebook page! Kids are invited to attend Sunday school during service, or are welcome to stay in worship.

Spencer also hosts a free food pantry along Spencer Avenue.

The main, handicap-accessible entrance to the church is found on the Spencer Avenue corner adjacent to the parking lot. An additional entrance, with steps, is found at the rear of the building along the parking lot.